computersQuantum ComputingForm bits to qubits: how computers leverage quantum quirks run things even faster By now [
Quantum ComputingThe Curious CatSuperposition, tunnelling, entanglement, and other bits and pieces of quantum mechanics In Part 2 [
Double Slit ExperimentWaving ParticlesWhy duality is like an elephant: an overview of the double-slit experiment and its implications Last time [
physicsThe Uncertainty PrincipleIs a particle a wave? Is a mango a line? Some things can never be known for certain. Quantum Physics has always been that one mysterious theory that has been really difficult to understand...
AlgorithmsThe Nature of the ProfileDo users have a ‘body’ that exists independently from the online profile? Is there life after deletion? That’s a question that has never been answered. Or rather, it’s been answered many di...
AnniversaryTwo Years of SnipetteDear Snipette readers, This 11th of June, we are celebrating our second anniversary. (!!!) That is not a sentence we ever expected to be able to write. Neither are the ones that follow. We...