intelligenceReal IntelligenceCan a digital machine ever be truly intelligent? And if not, could it be an emergent property of a complex system?
computersQuantum ComputingForm bits to qubits: how computers leverage quantum quirks run things even faster By now [
AlgorithmsA PromotionWhen chess moves are logical but don’t make sense My brother was once playing chess against a computer. He was winning the game, though both sides had only a few pieces left. The computer h...
communicationSpeaking to ComputersComputers are good at doing their job, but you should remember to tell them to do it. Have you ever spoken to a computer? I don’t mean saying hi to Siri or Alexa, or asking Google what the ...
computersDrawing with LinesIntroducing vectors, the hidden arrows that make your images sharp Normally, computers don’t draw lines. They only draw dots. “Green dot,” they say, “green dot, green dot, blue dot, blue do...