natureLife TimeHow fast does time go, exactly? The answer can depend on who you are. The screen flickers high and low, in bits and pieces. Some regions go dim for a while, only to brighten up again. The pi...
EditorialNew Year 2019 — and a poem!Hello, Snipette readers! It’s time once again, for a new year to come round — and with it, more new things that we’re planning at Snipette! In this email, we’ll take a brief look back, and...
dogsAll the Dogs in Dog TownAll the dogs had a role — except for Mutt Lee Cole All the dogs in Dog Town were waiting for the fair. All the dogs. Yes, all the dogs. Those with and without hair. The Dog Town fair was ...
AtmosphereThin AirWhat is a plant made of? The answer may surprise you. Plants grow. Everyone knows that. But what do they grow from? Animals take material from the food they eat: part of it comes out the ot...
AtmosphereBibliography for Thin AirThin Air [] The book that sparked ‘Thin Air’ This piece was inspired by Gabrielle Walker’s book An Ocean of Air. A substantial amount of the ...
BooksReading MindIt’s not just about turning text to thoughts: how you read, and what you read it on, can literally change your brain. This piece began in my quest to try and find an answer to the age-old de...